5 Simple Ways to Take It Easy On Your Garbage Disposal

Jun 02, 2021

5 Simple Ways to Take It Easy On Your Garbage Disposal

  • Plumbing Services
garbage disposal

A garbage disposal is a great appliance to have, but contrary to popular belief, most waste should never go down your drain. Unfortunately, plumbing problems can be common, and your garbage disposal is no exception. Like any appliance, your system needs routine cleaning and maintenance to function properly. A garbage disposal is a great appliance to have, but contrary to popular belief, most waste should never go down your garbage disposal. Unfortunately, plumbing problems can be common, and your garbage disposal is no exception. Like any appliance, your garbage disposal needs routine cleaning and maintenance to function properly.

How You Can Prevent a Busted Garbage Disposal

Your garbage disposal helps to prevent clogging by breaking down food waste into smaller pieces, but it can easily be overwhelmed with food, grime, or a lone spoon. A garbage disposal can easily break down without proper maintenance, as it has several parts susceptible to damage. To ensure your kitchen drain is clog free, here are five simple ways to take it easy on your system.

  • Mind what you put down the disposal. A good rule of thumb is to avoid flushing down as much food waste as possible, as most foods are notoriously bad for your garbage disposal. Fats, oils, and greases harden with cold water and can easily cause a blockage inside your drain. Avoid starchy foods such as pasta or rice, as they soak up water and expand inside your pipes. Stringy fruits and vegetables can wear down the blades by wrapping themselves around the blades. Hard items that you can’t break down with your teeth, such as bones and seeds, should never go down your disposal either.
  • Clean often. Being mindful of what you flush down the disposal is important, but so is routine cleaning. Frequently cleaning your garbage disposal helps to ensure the blades and drain are clear of any obstructing materials. One of the best methods to clean the system is flushing it down with some vinegar and baking soda. Never use any cleaning chemicals such as bleach or a chemical drain cleaner, as they can help harden grease and eat through your plumbing.
  • Grind thoroughly. Whatever does get flushed down the disposal should have adequate time for grinding. Make sure with every use that you run the disposal long enough to avoid any leftover food waste that can sit and cake over time. Flushing down ice cubes and citrus peels is a good way to maintain the blades.
  • Flush after use. Another easy trick to avoid clogging is by flushing enough water after every use. Make sure to flush some water down with the food waste when the disposal is in use, to help push the waste down. Running water down the drain after using the disposal for a few seconds helps to ensure nothing remains on the blades or just inside the drain. It’s best to flush food down with cold water it hardens the food waste, making it easier for the blades to break it down.
  • Turn off your disposal before any action. Garbage disposals can be a safety hazard, which is why you should always make sure it’s off before taking any action. Never stick your hand down the disposal. Use tongs or pliers if you need to pull something out.

The Warning Signs of a Damaged Garbage Disposal

Accidents happen, no matter how well you’ve maintained your garbage disposal. Knowing when it’s time to call in a plumber however, can be tricky. Your plumbing can be complicated, but the good news is that there are plenty of clues if the problem is with your system. If your garbage disposal is damaged, it’s best to act quickly. If you think it’s time for a repair, here are a few warning signs to watch out for.

  • It’s tripping your circuit breaker. Garbage disposals use a lot of wattage which means when in use, you may experience some flickering lights or a slight power surge. If however, your garbage disposal starts to trip the circuit breaker, there could be a wiring issue with either the disposal or your home’s electrical panel.
  • It makes loud, unusual noises. If something is wrong, you’ll definitely hear it, as the sound of metal on metal is very unpleasant. Loud, unusual noises are usually an indicator of a loose part or damaged part, and require urgent repair. 
  • It’s leaking. Unfortunately, a leaking garbage disposal can mean the entire unit needs to be replaced, especially if there is a crack in the disposal itself. Watch out for signs of a leak, such as any dark or wet spots on the floor and cabinets.
  • It’s not working, period. The most obvious sign of a damaged garbage disposal is when it stops working entirely. The good news is that most issues are easy fixes which rarely require an entire replacement.

Your Garbage Disposal Works Hard Enough

A garbage disposal is a fantastic kitchen appliance, and it deserves proper care and maintenance. No homeowner wants to deal with the cost of replacing the system, especially when it can be avoided. Keeping your kitchen drain clear and clean sometimes requires the help of a licensed plumber. Stay clog-free by treating your disposal right, call a plumber to inspect your plumbing today.

Call Quality Plumbing Services Inc. today!

By zachadmachinescom

Getting to Know Your Plumbing System

May 18, 2021

Getting to Know Your Plumbing System

  • Plumbing Services
plumbing system

How often do you really think about breathing? Unless you’re out of breath or you can’t catch your breath, probably not much. It’s just something your body does automatically without you focusing on it.

Your plumbing system is the same way. It just works quietly in the background, doing its job. Just like sudden shortness of breath though, you don’t really pay much attention to your plumbing until there’s an issue. It’s only then you realize that you don’t really understand much about your plumbing system and have no idea how to fix whatever the issue may be.

It’s best not to wait until that point. You may be in a panic, so you’ll call the first plumber you can find and schedule them immediately. As a result, you may be inundated with extra charges, like emergency fees. Yes, your plumbing system is fixed (for now), but at what cost?

Why Many Homeowners Avoid Their Plumbing Systems

When most people think of their plumbing system, they think of their toilet, and who really wants to go into the toilet? No one. However, by ignoring the plumbing and pretending it’s working fine when it’s leaking, the pipes are straining, or there’s some other issue, a homeowner is doing themselves a huge disservice.

There are a multitude of issues that can crop up if a homeowner ignores their ailing plumbing system for too long:

  • The high costs of emergency calls to a local plumber.
  • The high costs of a monthly energy bill.
  • Contacting a local plumber at the first sign of trouble because a homeowner can’t discern between minor and serious plumbing issues.

Even though it was likely an issue the homeowner could have fixed themselves had they familiarized themselves with their plumbing system, they didn’t know that, so they spent money unnecessarily anyway. These small fixes add up over time.

Remember that leak we mentioned before? Yes, it starts as a leak, but eventually the pipe will burst, flooding the home with stinky, backed-up water. That could be hugely expensive and catastrophic for a home. Whole rooms might have to be ripped out and redone completely, which is both time-intensive and very costly. 

Parts of the Plumbing System: The Basics

Okay, so you’re definitely ready to learn more about your plumbing system now. Start with the various parts. Here are some to know:

  •  The water main valve – This controls water flow.
  • The cut-off valve – This controls the sink, toilet, washer, etc.
  • The water meter – This can give you a read on the overall system’s health.
  • The water pressure regulator – Like the water meter above, this lets the homeowner know their water pressure levels. 
  • Valves for gas, electricity, and heated water – These control those resources and can be turned on and off as needed. 

The sewer and water lines connect outside, often underground, and act as a means for water to travel to and from the house. Contact the local water company to ask about where your water comes from. Take some time to take off the toilet lid and get to know what’s inside. Do the same with your septic system if you have one.

The Benefits of Learning How a Plumbing System Works

Yes, this is a lot to remember and a lot of work, and it’s not very pretty work, either. However, by learning more about your plumbing system, you’re doing your family and your home a big favor. Here’s why.

  • You can make an informed decision about whether your plumbing system is energy-efficient. If it’s not, you can get it replaced or upgraded so it is, which can save you in monthly utility and energy bills.
  • You won’t have to worry about pipes bursting and creating massive leaks in the house. At the first sign of a small leak, you’ll know what to do. That means you can rely on your local plumber less, which also keeps money in your pocket.
  • You’ll feel safer, and you’ll be happy that your family is safe, too. You can go to bed at night knowing your home’s secure. You can’t put a price on that kind of feeling.

You know what to do. Although it’s not a glamorous job, by taking some time to understand how your toilet, septic tank, and plumbing system works, you’re prolonging the life of this system, saving money, preventing leaks, and learning to be handier around the house to boot. Although often ignored, your plumbing system is a crucial part of your home’s structure, and it’s one that will pay back dividends once you familiarize yourself with it.

Call Quality Plumbing Services Inc. today!

By zachadmachinescom

Cleansing Your Sewer Line and Drains This Spring

Apr 15, 2021

Cleansing Your Sewer Line and Drains This Spring

  • Plumbing Services
Nothing is more important than cleansing your sewer line and drains this Spring.

Cleansing Your Sewer Line and Drains This Spring

Nothing is more important than cleansing your sewer line and drains this Spring. Much like any other system in your home, both of these systems are prone to problems, especially clogs. A clog usually occurs when there is some sort of blockage found within your pipes. 

Thankfully, there are ways around these series of backups. If you follow the following steps, you can keep your pipes running smoothly this season. 

Typical Causes of Sewer Backups

Sewer backups can lead to In terms of residential backups; there are many contributing factors. These include:

  • Tree Root Intrusion 
  • Grease Accumulation
  • Improper disposal of paper products

If you do have a sewer line clog, follow these following steps to clear the blockage.

How to Remove a Sewer Line Clog

Use a pipe wrench to loosen the cap on your main drain line before you open it entirely. Once the cap is loosened, open it and let the buildup drain out. Once the cap is opened, make sure to step out of the way. If there is any waste caused by the clog, the backflow will spill out of the main line drain. Make sure to let it run off entirely before attempting any further repairs. 

Next, feed the auger cable down the drainpipe. Each auger, or plumbing snake, is different, so be sure to follow the instructions that come with the tool for best results. However, the general principle is that you should gently feed the auger cable into your drainpipe until you hit the clog. You’ll know when you’ve hit it because the cable will get progressively harder to move through the pipe. Allow the auger to run until the clog has been removed. You’ll be able to see when it happens because the water level in the drainpipe will begin to gradually decrease and then drain out entirely.

That said, don’t stop running the machine as soon as the clog disappears. There could still be smaller pockets elsewhere in the pipe, which may cause additional problems down the road. Once the clog has been removed, spray the hose down your drainpipe at full blast. Doing so will simultaneously remove any lingering debris that is stuck in the pipe and clean off the auger. 

Afterwards, pull the plumbing snake out of the pipe slowly. You most likely want to hose the auger cable off a few times before winding it back onto the machine. When you’re done, place the cap back on your drainpipe and use the pipe wrench to tighten it up. 

Avoid Clogging Your Drains

While grease is the absolute worst substance you can put in your drain, there are other objects that should be avoided all together. This is especially pertinent if you have a garbage disposal unit as part of your drain system. These items include the following:

  • Bones
  • Fibrous fruits/vegetables: This includes celery, artichokes, asparagus, lettuce
  • Coffee Grinds
  • Fruit Pits: Includes avocado pits, peach pits, etc.
  • Corn Husks
  • Egg Shells
  • Potato Peels
  • Pasta, Rice and Grains

If these items much like grease or oil, can clog up your drain or prevent the garbage disposal blades from working properly. If the blades are jammed, this can also increase the buildup in the disposal drain.

If you do experience a clogged drain, there are ways to remedy it. 

Cleansing Your Drains

If your drains do have a clog, there can be a number of indicators. Thankfully, there are ways to prevent drains from clogging. 

  • Run hot water through the sink after each use. Hot water keeps oils in food products running down the drain, rather than building up on the interior surface of pipes, which can make drains sluggish and lead to clogs.
  • Throw a handful of baking soda into the drain and follow it with hot water. Baking soda is a terrific cleaning agent, and it’s also great for absorbing foul odors and leaving your drainpipes smelling like a rose. Okay, maybe not like a rose, but a lot better than they otherwise would.
  • Pour 1 cup of vinegar down the drain and let it sit for 30 minutes; then chase it down with very hot water. Vinegar is a wonder cleaner. It contains acetic acid, which acts as an excellent organic solvent in removing an organic buildup of crud in pipes. 

Call Quality Plumbing Services Inc. today to schedule your faucet repair!

By zachadmachinescom

7 Reasons You May Seek Faucet Repair

Sep 28, 2020

7 Reasons You May Seek Faucet Repair

  • Plumbing Services
faucet repair in Chicago by Quality Plumbing Services

Faucet Repair in Chicago 

Quality Plumbing Services, Inc.

First, it started small and was easily fixed by turning your faucet knob or nozzle a bit tighter. Then you noticed that the leaking resumed, but it couldn’t be fixed by tightening the nozzle this time. In spite of you yelling at it when it awoke you from a perfectly refreshing sleep, the faucet still didn’t stop leaking.

What’s Your Next Step? 

While you likely need to services of a qualified plumber, don’t rush off to phone one quite yet. Instead, take a step back and think about how you want to communicate with this professional. Doing so can save you a huge headache — and possibly even a dollar or two. 

What Can You Expect if You Don’t Know What’s Causing Your Faucet to Drip?

Did you know that a faucet that drips continuously brings with it numerous pains besides annoying you? There are a host of issues that you might face if you continue to live with a leaking faucet.

Unsightly water stains — that can also be difficult to remove without regular maintenance — are often one of the most visually arresting issues that you will face. If you are like many homeowners, you simply won’t feel like your sink is clean unless it is stain free then you’ll be particularly bothered by this fact. Having to remove the water stains each time you clean your sink will also increase the time this chore takes you.

If your sink’s drain is blocked by either food or dishes, or if the stopper is down, that continuously leaking faucet can take an unexpected turn and become a small flood. Imagine coming home after a long day at work only to discover that a waterfall has erupted in your kitchen and provided you with an increasing pool of water on your floor. 

One of the most painful issues that you might face when it comes to a leaking faucet is the increase in your utility bills. Some homeowners are unpleasantly surprised at the fact that something they thought was pretty harmless actually carries a rather large price tag. 

Benefits of Fixing a Leaking Faucet

Like most other issues in your home, the more quickly you address your leaking faucet, the better. By knowing the cause of your faucet’s continuous dripping, you’ll have peace of mind. You won’t have to worry about coming home to a small flood, for example. The money you pay to have your leaking faucet repaired can be recouped in lower utility bills. 

The 7 Common Causes of a Leaking Faucet

1. Damaged parts

Your faucet is designed with several important parts that — if they’re damaged — can cause it to leak. Compression type faucets are those that have a separate hot and cold handle as well as a washer, often sustain damage to their stem assemblies that can cause them to leak. 

2. Worn out cartridge

Cartridge faucets are designed with a stem cartridge that is movable. When that cartridge begins to go bad, it can lead to the faucet leaking. 

3. Water pressure

A reduction in the water pressure of a particular faucet is often caused by a broken pipe. If you’ve ruled out other possible causes, it could be that a broken pipe is interfering your water pressure with the result being that you have a leaking faucet. A professional plumber should check the integrity of your pipes. 

4. Broken pipe or fitting

In addition to broken pipes, a fitting that is not in good repair could also cause your faucet to leak. Clips and valve assemblies that are worn out can allow water to drip continuously from your faucet. 

5. Hard water build-up

Hard water can affect more than the look of your clothes. The chemicals that are contained in it can wear away at the rubber washers that are designed to help prevent water leakage. 

6. Failing O Rings

Your faucet handle is held in place with a stem screw that has a small disc, or O ring, on the end of it. Over time, that O ring can become damaged, loose or even wear out, and make your faucet leak. 

7. Loose handles

There’s no doubt about it — your faucet handles get a great deal of use. Over time, you might find them becoming loose with you having to readjust them over and over again. Eventually, you might even notice some moisture near the handles that then turns into a telltale leak. 

A leaking faucet isn’t usually considered an emergency issue by professional plumbers. It is, however, a chronic problem that should be addressed as soon as possible. Doing so can help give you peace of mind while saving you time. 

Call Quality Plumbing Services Inc. today to schedule your faucet repair!

By zachadmachinescom